Studying for the BCBA® Exam?
There is no better way to pass the ABA exam than surrounded by continuous support while utilizing the science of ABA to Tackle the Task List®.
With Rogue ABA, you are more than just a number!
The Rogue ABA signature course! Gain access to exclusive content that you can’t get anywhere else. Let us help you Tackle the Task List®!
We specialize in breaking down concepts to help you identify critical features in scenarios. With this identification, picking between answers on the exam will become easier!
We are so proud of our Rogue ABA family! Our students once again far outperform the international BCBA exam average. We’ve done an analysis and our multiple-time ABA test takers perform at almost 3x the average in terms of pass rate. Our first-time ABA test taker pass rate is 20% higher. One thing our analysis shows is that if you’re not going to actually do the work, save your money. We are not magic, we just created a great system for you to work through to success.
Support that meets your needs

Instructional Design
Research-Informed practice that is designed to fit your needs as a learner. A variety of different instructional tools are used to engage you in learning no matter where you are in your studies!

Why Rogue?
Because at Rogue ABA, you’re more than just a number! We care about your ABA study journey and will help you through the entire BCBA test cycle and beyond!

Targeted Support
Through data analysis, we’ll help you hone in on what areas you may need extra help on. Our mock exam gives you specific feedback for your strong and weak areas of the Task List.
On-Demand Study Options
5-Modules of task specific study Interactive sessions designed specifically to walk you through the Task List.
Rogue Rewind
Access to 45 videos covering different topics found on the Task List. Choose from 30 or 90-day access to the video library.
Learn how to choose the best answer for those tricky concepts, break apart questions, and some general test-taking strategies.
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