Finding time to study for the board exam is DIFFICULT. Finding time when you work full time, have kids, and other engagements is even harder. There are several things that you can do NOW to study even when you are on the go! Take a deep breath, because we can help.
#1 SAFMEDS or Flashcards

These are materials that you can take with you ANYWHERE! You just throw in a backpack, purse, or they can even can stay on the seat next to you in your car. Instead of picking up your phone to check out Facebook while waiting to go into a clients house, pick up your SAFMEDS and run through a set. If you’re sitting at the DMV, run through your cards! Waiting for your kids at the bus stop? CARDS! So often, we find ourselves having to wait with time to kill and instead of being productive, we choose to allocate our behavior to time-wasters (social media). SAFMEDS allows us to convert these situations into productive study sessions. SAFMEDS makes that time more useful.
If you do not have time to make your own cards, check out Rogue’s SAFMEDS HERE. They even come in a convenient box, making them extremely portable! We even have made a SAFMEDS BSP that walks you through how to use them!
#2 Applying Concepts

Taking the Task List and applying the concepts to everyday life is a necessary skill to have. It means that you are able to generalize the terms and concepts to novel situations that you encounter throughout your day. When I was in a study group, we would share scenarios all through the day and explain using ABA terms. If you work with other BCBAs or those studying for their exam, you can do the same! Share what is happening in your day and use behavior language as you do it. Become fluent by spotting the Task List in your day to day life!
Keep an eye out for our free Zooms where Sarah will lead free 30-min sessions on applying the Task List to everyday life. Rogue even offers a Beyond the Basics Workshop on this very topic as well–check it out HERE if you’re interested (limited spots!).
#3 Audio Downloads

There is nothing worse than being in the car commuting to your next client and burning through what could be valuable study time. A lot of us spend hours in the car every week. So what if you could turn that time into something useful?! Rogue offers an Audio Download that covers the entire Task List. The download is 5.5 hours long and allows you to choose which Task List section you want to listen to.
Think about all the times that you could be listening to the Task List WHILE you are doing other tasks! You could listen while:
- Doing laundry
- Unloading the dishwasher
- Driving to work
- Working out
- Making dinner
- Going on a run
- While watching your kids play at the park
No more wasted time! To find out more information about the Rogue Audio Downloads, go HERE.
#4 Rogue Instagram and Facebook Accounts

I know what you’re thinking. I just told you in the first tip to get off social media during your down time. We know that social media isn’t inherently bad, but when we start spending all of our free time picking up our phones to scroll, then we are in the wasting-time category. Over in our private Facebook group and our Instagram account, we post DAILY scenario questions for you to answer. Instagram questions are posted first thing in the morning and the Facebook questions are posted in the afternoons. Schedule the times that you go onto social media to answer scenario questions and then limit the activity the remainder of the day.
When answering the questions, make sure to give a rational as to why the answer you chose is correct AND why the others are incorrect. This will help with comprehension and troubleshooting. It could also help you identify gaps in your comprehension of skills.
#5 Tackle the Task List Course

Did you know that if you are enrolled in our 5-Week course that you can take all your study materials with you on your phone while on the go? Our learning management system has an app that you can download. Once downloaded, you can get access to the audio files that come with your course, all of the videos, and even all of the quizzes! This means that if you have data or a wireless connection and maybe some headphones, that you can study right where you are and wherever you are!
More information about our course can be found HERE!
I hope that these 5 ways to study on the go help you rethink how you can actually use it to your benefit. Instead of saying you don’t have time to study, find ways that you can insert a few of these suggestions! Be an efficient multi-tasker on the go!
Blog post written by Lindsey Lovelady, BCBA., Co-Owner of Rogue ABA